
Moving successfully to the next level

The challenge for you: a new business idea. Whether you are operationalising a new business model or a new business ability, the route from the idea to the pilot phase and on to profitable, robust production is challenging and complex. The product needs to be designed and developed, its economic efficiency determined, customer feedback collected, backers secured, processes defined and implemented, applications developed and adapted and staff found, trained and organised. Customers are unforgiving, the competition is breathing down your neck and the business has an inherent need for continuous further development – it’s a fine line to walk. ALCEDO & PIÙ will support you from start to finish in making your business idea a reality. We will travel with you and steer the way to successful implementation.



Technology – tailored precisely to your needs

The challenge for you: orientation in the digital garden of wonders. Artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data, robotic process automation, blockchain, virtual reality: new technologies are developing rapidly, and the opportunities and possibilities seem huge – but so do the risks. Technology is not an end in itself – it supports a business process or facilitates a business model. There is a need to develop sustainable skills and combine these with the business model and the business architecture. At the same time, the digitisation of your business opens up new risks. Cyber security is an integral part of the digital transformation. ALCEDO & PIÙ will work with you to find the ideal way for you to apply technology. We will win support for the idea from the company management, work with specialists to determine the best applications and collaborate with IT to find the solution. We will also analyse your cyber risks and support you in mitigating them.


Strong in the digital world

The challenge for you: the ever-increasing dynamism and unpredictability of your business environment. The path you were on yesterday already needs to be rethought and adjusted today – the constant change required puts a strain on your company. Incorporating adaptability, manoeuvrability, vitality through agility, increased flexibility and continuous improvement into your strategy is itself quite the task. From there to expand the necessary skills for the long term and anchor them within the company – so that instead of necessitating the establishment of a new task force, exchange is simply absorbed by the organisation and viewed as “business as usual” – that is an enormous undertaking. ALCEDO & PIÙ will work with you to unleash the potential held in the key dimensions of people & organisation, processes and technology .



Reflection not reflex

The challenge for you: the crisis. Your results are stagnating, the right way ahead is unclear, your vision is at risk. The problem is multidimensional; there are too many possible solutions, it is difficult to maintain an overview, the connections are unclear. The parties involved lack objectivity, the company management lacks transparency, decision-making is difficult. ALCEDO & PIÙ will support you at this turning point. We will shine a light on the problem area, identify the fundamental origins, demonstrate possible solutions, manage and support their implementation – objectively, pragmatically, with the right priorities and with a focus on the goal.